Tickmill CopyTrade Best Traders — Consistent Traders

An intriguing alternative for individuals keen on testing a strategy with a smaller investment is the employment of Zion’s Scalper investment robot. This robust option can be initiated with as little as $100. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to bear in mind that with a smaller capital, the intricacies of risk management become more challenging, potentially amplifying the level of risk.

In addition to the Zion Free Robo Scalper strategy, there is an array of other high-performance strategies at your disposal. These encompass various markets and cater to different risk profiles. Prior to making a decision to replicate these strategies, you have the opportunity to thoroughly scrutinize their historical performance and specific details. Several of them boast a proven track record spanning over 200 days of consistent activity, a testament to their robustness and reliability.

  • An interesting alternative for those who want to test a strategy with a smaller investment is the strategy using Zion’s Scalper investment robot, which can be activated with just $100 (remember that with less capital, risk management becomes more challenging and the risk is even greater). In addition to the Zion Free Robo Scalper strategy , you have several other high-performance strategies available, covering different markets and risk profiles. Before you decide to copy them, you can analyze the history, performance and details of each strategy. Some of them have a proven track record of more than 200 days of activity, which may be an indication of their solidity. —
  • 1st Place: TwoBirds
  • 2nd Place: FortunaMax Zion
  • 3rd Place: Stable Growth
FortunaMax Zion
  • Average monthly profitability: CopyTrader Tickmill offers strategies with an average monthly profitability above the market average. You can track results in real time and adjust your settings at any time.

Tickmill CopyTrade